Welcome to the Open Inventor Toolkit Use Case Gallery

Thermo Scientificâ„¢ Open Inventorâ„¢ Toolkit helps application developers deliver better applications faster, by providing fast, powerful, dependable 3D graphics libraries.
In this gallery you will find commercial application examples, scientific publications, articles, papers, posters, presentations or videos that show Open Inventor Toolkit usage in Medical, Dental, Oil & Gas, and Engineering markets.
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Mapping and surface modeling software

Mapping and surface modeling software

In the complicated game of petroleum exploration and production, the stakes are high, and great maps are vital to the decision-making process.
Petrosys software gives you the power to create extraordinarily precise and meaningful maps by providing a unique combination of quality output, comprehensive mapping, 3D visualization and surface modeling calculations so that you can effectively integrate data from the entire realm of seismic, well, engineering and economic systems involved in o... Read more


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