Theorem Solutions and Thermo Fisher Scientific partner on Data Exchange Navigator
Theorem’s DXN is an important tool for engineering companies who exchange product data as part of a collaborative Design and Manufacturing process. When receiving data from external companies, supplied as STEP, Native CAD or Visualization data, DXN enables you to understand what you have received or have translated, in isolation of the source data application by showing the product content in a hierarchical manner, and allowing access to any associated attribute information along with the ability to visualize the geometric shape, prior to translating or sending any of the data, it enables the user to have full knowledge of the file.The data filtering element of DXN makes it an ideal decision support tool for all aspects of data exchange and collaboration and provides the ability to view and interrogate at a detailed level, CAD designs and STEP models, without the need for duplicate data files, or additional CAD software licences. Very often suppliers in the Automotive, Aerospace, Power Generation and White Goods markets will collaborate with several major manufacturing organisations, each operating different CAD systems. This results in the receipt of CAD data in many different formats, which have to be processed before the user is able to begin work. In the area of CAD Data Exchange, component geometry can now be reviewed before and after translation, allowing comparisons and verifications to be undertaken on data received, or about to be supplied.